7 xDark Deluxe v4.3 32-Bit RG

Сборка на базе оригинального образа Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 от команды xDark™. Из оригинального образа ничего не удалено, были применены твики реестра и отключены некоторые службы для повышения стабильности и быстродействия системы, применён оригинальный стиль оформления по умолчанию xDark™ Deluxe v.4.3. Интегрированы последние майские обновления.
Будет работать на компьютере:
32-разрядный (x86) или 64-разрядный (х64) процессор с тактовой частотой 1 ГГц.
1 ГБ оперативной памяти.
Поддержка интерфейса DirectX 9 с драйвером WDDM, не менее 128 МБ видеопамяти, функция Pixel Shader 2.0 и цветность 32 бит/пиксел.
Жесткий диск емкостью 40 Гб с 16 Гб свободного дискового пространства.
Дисковод для DVD-дисков
7 xDark Deluxe v4.3 32-Bit RG торрент, возможности и изменения:
Интегрированные твики:
* Disable CEIP (Customer Experience Improvement Program):
The Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program in Windows 7 is a completely voluntary program designed to help Microsoft improve its operating systems over time. This program collects information about computer hardware and how people use Windows 7.
* Speed up Windows Thumb Time-Delay:
Windows 7 has provided a cool feature with ability to preview taskbar thumbnails whenever the mouse is hovered on the program icon. However, you may notice that it does have some latency to display the preview after mouse over the icon, Thumb Time-Delay has been improved to avoid this problem.
* NTFS; Disable 8.3 Names and Last Access:
NTFS Files systems create file names in 8.3 format. Disabling this option reduces the overhead during the creation of new files or directories.
* Improve DNS Caching:
By default Windows also caches erroneous data and this can take space of valid cache items and thus slow down your Internet access. This will tell windows not to cache erroneous DNS data at all.
* SpeedUp Access to AVI Files:
Speeds up the access of AVI folders as well as makes the renaming and deletion of AVIs easier.
* Enable Boot Optimization:
The Boot Optimization function will automatically defragment boot files and rearrange them so that all boot files are in close proximity to one another.
* Allocate more Critical Threads to Increase Performance:
This Option lets Windows create more critical threads for when your system load is high in order to improve your system's performance.
* Unload DLLS from Memory after Use:
Remove DLL's from memory after use to free up more resources.
* Disable Network Redirector File Caching for Workstation Service:
On network computers, when data is written to a file, it is written to the cache and not immediately flushed to the redirector.
* Improve Core System Performance:
This option lets drivers and system code move to disk whenever required as sometimes more physical RAM is requiered to run an application
* Increase NTFS Performance:
The time stamp for the last accessed files and folders are updated by Windows and this update may take time.
* Enable Self-Healing Capability of NTFS File System:
In earlier version of Windows, NTFS marks the volume "dirty" upon detecting file-system corruption and CHKDSK is required to be run by taking the volume "offline".
With self-healing NTFS is the new feature of Windows Vista and Windows 7, in which an NTFS worker thread is spawned in the background which performs a localized fix-up of damaged data structures, with only the corrupted files/folders remaining unavailable without locking out the entire volume.
* Stop Automatic Rebooting of your System after Windows Update:
Stops automatic rebooting of the system after automatic udpates.
* Disable User Tracking:
Prevents the system from tracking the programs users run, the paths they navigate, and the documents they open. Although somewhat helpful, this tracking is a pontetial privacy threat.
* Show Extensions for Known File Types:
Enable to display file extensions (e.g. DOC, XLS, EXE) as part of file names. This can help you tell disguised malicious software from normal files. It also increases the performance of Vista folders.
* Show Hidden Files and Folders:
This is rarely required for novice users, but is very useful for experienced users as it gives them better control over their computer.
* Always Show Menus:
By default Windows Explorer does not display the menu bar.
* Use Checkboxes to Select Items:
Adds Checkboxes to file views to make it easier to select several files at once, wich can be useful if it is difficult for you to hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple files.
* UAC disabled... make things work correctly with UAC off...
User Access Control (UAC) can be a very annoying feature. Allow operations without administrator consent (similar to Windows XP).
* xDark™ x86 4.3 RG Tweaks...
... and many more...
Отключены следующие службы:
* Windows BackUp
* Parental ControlS
* Remote Registry
* Hibernation
* Disk Defragmenter
* Offline Files
* Windows Error Reporting Service
* Program Compatibility Assistant Service
* Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
* Security Center
* Windows Update
* Windows Search
xDark Контекстное меню:
* Add "Take Ownership" (Files and Folders) to the right-click context menu
* Add "Open with Notepad" to the right-click context menu
* All items have an "edit.." on right-click context menu sending to notepad
* Add "Clipname" (Copy name, path, DOS name, URL encoded name, encoded name (), UNC name) to Context Menu
* Add "Copy To/Move To" to the right-click context menu
* Add "Register/UnRegister Dll" to the right-click context menu
* Add and associate system files to open with Restorator to the right-click context menu
* Add "Change Atributes" to the right-click context menu
* Add "Install" to right-click on Font Files
* Add "Appearance" to the right-click context menu
* Add "Media Info" to the right-click context menu
* Add "Execute with Parameters" to the right-click context menu
* Add "Create File Listing Text" to the right-click context menu
xDark Контекстное меню рабочего стола:
* Add "Clear Clipboard" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Rebuild Icon Cache" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Edit Host File" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Kill Not Responding Tasks" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Restart Explorer" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Remove "Fonts" from Desktop and Other right-click context menus
* Add "Show / Hide Hidden Files" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Show / Hide File Extensions" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Run" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
* Add "Windows Command Script" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop New ->"
* Add "Registration Entries" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop New ->"
* Add "AcidView Document" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop New ->"
* Remove unlikely templates from the "New ->" Menu.
xDark Контекстное меню компьютера:
* Add "Command Prompt Here" on the right-click context-menus of Drives, Folders & My Computer
* Add "Advanced System Properties" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Calculator" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Control Panel" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Device Manager" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Control Mode" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Notepad" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Registry Editor" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Task Manager" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Services" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "System Configuration" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Add/Remove Programs" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "Shutdown PC" to the right click menu of "Computer"
* Add "System Shorcuts" to the right click menu of "Computer" -> Administrative Tools, Change Date and Time, Change Regional Settings, Folder Options, Control Mode, Internet Options, Network Connections, Power Options, Programs and Features, Run, Search, Services, User Accounts, User Accounts Classic.
* Restore Desktop Icon Layout
* Save Desktop Icon Layout
xDark Специальное контекстное меню:
* Copy Path(s)
* Copy Contents
* Command Prompt
* Calculate Checksum
* Explore Here
* Hex Edit
* Batch Rename
* Search and Replace
* Sign Files
* Select by Type
* Touch Files
* Path Operations
* Pack to Folder
* Open in Notepad
* Select by Type
* Mount Path as Virtual Drive
* iPhone PNGs
xDark v.4.3 Примечания:
* xDark™ v4.3 Exclusive Default Theme
* xDark™ 4 Seasons Dark Orb Start Button
* xDark™ Exclusive Lights In The Dark Systems Sounds Scheme
* 3 xDark™ System Cursors
* xDark™ HD Exclusive System Icons (Almost All System Icons Are Customized)
* xDark™ HD Exclusive Nvidia Top Shell
* xDark™ Exclusive GodMode Custom Panel and GodMode Creator
* xDark™ HD Exclusive Wallpapers Set
* xDark™ HD Exclusive Dark Surrealism User Account Pictures
* xDark™ Exlusive Integrated Shell On Top
* xDark™ Exclusive Lights In The Dark Edition Branding
* Hard Disk Changes to xDark™ HDD Default
* xDark™ Unwelcome Center
* xDark™ Gadget Gallery + Extra Black Gadgtes
* xDark™ Context Menu & Folder Menu
* xDark™ Network & Internet Optimized
* Super xDark™ Administrator
* AutoLogon & Boot Optimization
* xDark™ Power Tools
* xDark™ Installer Integrated
* xDark™ HD Graphics & 3D Experience
* and much more.
Интегрированный софт (xDark Post Install script):
* 7Zip 9.22 Beta + 7Z Split...
... “GPU archiver with high compression ratio”
* AcidView 6.1...
... “Integrated to support .nfo and other similar archives”
* Adobe Air
... “Build and deploy rich web apps on your desktop”
* Adobe Shockwave Plugin
... “Browser plug-in for rich multimedia content”
* AngryBirds 1.5.1...
... “The most famous birds in the world, now available for Windows”
* xDark™ Ave Preview...
... “A skinnable, little image-previewer application”
* C++ 2010 SP1...
... “Runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries”
* DirectX April 2011...
... “Latest update to Microsoft's multimedia interface”
* Flash Player (IE)
... “Play files created with Flash and Director”
* Flash Player (Non-IE)
... “The Web's favorite video and animation player”
* HashTab
... “Check file hashes on your system”
* Java Runtime Update 25... (Java Quick Start Utility Disabled & Update Check Removed)
... “Run Java applications on your PC without installing the Java Development Kit”
* K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 7.1.8...
... “A complete collection of codecs and related tools”
* LockHunter 1.0 Beta 3...
... “Delete locked files in Windows”
* MediaInfo Lite 0.7.44...
... “Obtain detailed info about audio and video files”
* MicroAngelo On Display 6.1...
... “A complete and efficient way to customize your system icons”
* Microsoft Silverlight 4.0.60310.0...
... “Microsoft's answer to Adobe Air”
* Microsoft Tinker 6.0.6000.16748...
... “He's little, he's metal, and he's lost”
* nET Framework 4...
... “The fourth generation of the .NET Framework platform”
* Notepad 2 4.2.25... (Notepad Replacement)
... “Notepad with extra functions”
* UltraIso PE 9.3.6 Build 2750...
... “Handle CD and DVD images with ease”
* SCSI Pass Through Direct v1.78...
... “A new method of access to storage devices”
* xCCleaner 3.06.1433 + CCEnhancer 2.3...
... “Excellent free system cleaning and optimization tool”
* xWinrar® 4.00... (Includes CabPack 1.4, HJ-Split 3.0, UHARC & WinUHA 2.0 RC1)
... “One of the best file compression tools around”
* VMware Tools 8.4.6...
... “Automate and streamline tasks to save time and improve productivity in VMware Virtual Machines”
* Windows 7 Manager 2.1.1...
... “The complete solution to optimize, tweak, clean up Windows 7!”
* Windows Media Player Plus! 1.1...
... “Add new features and improvements to Windows Media Player”
* WinPatrol 20.0.2011.2 Plus!...
... “Control the installation and execution of programs on your PC”
* World Of Goo 1.20...
... “Build a safe way to rescue all the Goo balls”
Интегрированные портативные программы (Advanced Configuration Tools):
? benchmarking
* aida64 1.60.1300 extreme edition
... “comprehensively benchmark your system”
? developer tools:
* windows 7 style builder (not portable) (uninstallable)
... “create or edit new windows 7 visual styles”
* restorator 2007 (not portable) (uninstallable)
... "resource editor for system translation/localization, customization, design improvement and development”
* sfx maker 1.2.1 (not portable) (uninstallable)
... “the easiest and fastest way to create switchless installers”
? kels bonus pack:
* cpu-z
... “gathers information on some of the main devices of your system”
* gpu-z
... “get the lowdown on your graphics card”
* hd info
... “check out the health status of your hard disk”
* hd tune
... “test the capabilities of your hard drive”
* usb bootable
... “allows to make a bootable usb flash drive”
* hp usb format tool
... “this utility will format any usb flash drive, with your choice of fat, fat32, or ntfs partition types”
* hw monitor
... “full control over your pc's power stats”
* memory test
... “ensure that your ram is running smoothly”
* password renew
... “renew windows 7 user forgotten password”
* windows installer cleanup
... “uninstall windows 7 corrupted or uninstallable programs”
? optimization:
* autoruns
... “find all the programs that start when windows is loaded”
* smart services
... “tweak windows 7 services”
* windows 7 ultimate tweaker
... “more than 150 tweaks for windows 7”
? replace system files:
* advanced file copy manager
... “supports at least 13 sorting methods”
* logon background changer
... “replace the windows background logon”
* media player background changer
... “replace the windows media player background”
* start button changer
... “replace the windows 7 start button”
* system file replacer
... “replace any system file”
? search:
* easyfind panel
... “just locate what your looking for and click!”
? shell manager:
* shell editor
... “allows you to easily disable and enable each shell extension”
* shell new handler
... “enable or disable context menu items from the new menu”
? troubleshooting:
* rebuild icon cache
... “rebuilds the windows 7 icon cache”
* re-enable
... “re enable regedit, command console "cmd", task manager, system restore and folder options”
* repair windows 7
... “repair windows 7 system functions”
? windows settings:
* device manager
... “allows users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer”
* enable/disable aero
... “enable or disable windows 7 aero feature”
* keyboard settings
... “change your keyboard settings”
* services manager
... “manage windows 7 services”
* user password
... “advanced user accounts settings”
? cp index:
* access all the most important windows 7 functions.
xDark Optional Silent Post Installer - Extras (тихая установка, отдельный *.exe'шник в раздаче):
* Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.10...
... “A complete burning suite for CD, DVD and Blu-Ray”
* Driver Genius Professional
... “Device driver backup, restoration and update tool”
* Games For Windows Live 3.5...
... “Access to Games for Windows — LIVE”
* JDownloader 0.9.581...
... “Automated downloads from RapidShare, Megaupload and more”
* PerfectDisk 11 Pro C185...
... “The gold standard in disk defragmentation”
* Registry WorkShop 4.3.0 SP...
... “Work faster and more efficiently with registry related tasks”
* µTorrent 3.0 Build 25277 Beta...
... “Compact BitTorrent client with expansive capabilities”
* Windows Live White Messenger Plus! Lite 2011 15.4.3508.1109...
... “See. Hear. Share. Instantly”
* xDark™ CD Art Display 2.0.1...
... “Show the cover art of the album you are listening to”
* xDark™ Firefox Killer 4.0.1...
... “Meet the new Firefox”
* xDark™ Foxit Reader Plus!
... “A speedy alternative to Adobe Reader”
* xDark™ Gimp Suite 2.6.11...
... “Who needs Photoshop when you have this?!”
* xDark™ Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.3...
... “Superb uninstaller for programs you can't remove”
* xDark™ Vlc Player 1.1.9...
... “The best multi-format media player”
Контрольные суммы:
Файл: 7 xDark Deluxe v4.3 32-Bit RG.iso
CRC-32: e5e21dfd
MD4: fed8c4f4b131158b5467eaea98d351d5
MD5: b8d7d7eda45df7e32a499b5475326b62
SHA-1: 8e222f44aaf2505584922889a3143802c04fc9ab
Нужно знать о 7 xDark Deluxe v4.3 32-Bit RG торрент:
Выпущена в: 2016
Имеет формат: ISO
Размер системы: 3.6 GB
Платформа Windows: x86 (32-bit)
Язык, на котором работает: английский
Наличие лекарства: Отсутствует
Разработка: Microsoft
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